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Newer Games
Title Name Unsure TBT
Here is a game that shows all my work that I have learn throughout Full Sails. Using a lesson for a class assignment a few months ago.
In the design process of this project, it showcases the steps in process that I have took in the process of level design. The first step of the process is learning about blockmesh. In the process testing out what I have learned in the process.
Epic Quest
In the design process of this project, it showcases a variety of features. Which includes setting up information to customize the player’s name. By chance I happened to learn to organize variables, creating the character Base Movement, setting up controls for the character. In the process of designing the game I took up the knowledge of setting up stats for the player, having items to be picked up, changing a skeletal mesh to a static mesh item. To which that allowing the player to interact with items by picking them up and making an inventory menu. It is a comprehensive look at various aspects of game development and customization.
Older Games
Magical Mayhem
The Magical Mayhem Demo is a recent project showcasing the work of students at a local school. Using Unreal Engine and Blueprints Communication, the students were able to create a captivating and interactive world that required the mastery of new skills and knowledge in editing, development, and design. The demo also features special effects, checkpoints, an inventory system, and various interactive elements that highlight the students' technical abilities and creativity.
First Hour
The First Hour Demo is an exciting new school project that demonstrates the knowledge and skills of my stage to become an aspiring game developer and designer. This demo, called First Hour showcases the new skill and knowledge that I have gained within the first week of my studies. The game takes the skill that I have learned and create a short video that showcase the ability to pick up items, add health, take damage, add ammo, lose ammo, create a winning point to end the game, and even includes a pause menu for players to take a break during gameplay. All of these skills I have learned during the week have been put to the test in other assignments. This is just one of many tasks that I have and will be completing in the next month or so on in order to achieve my career that my studies have to offer.
My Demo of Stack-O-Bot is an exciting new project that I recently completed for a school assignment using Unreal Engine. The project features a maze filled with spike traps, a Jet Pack, Health and Fuel bars, SFX, and even a fuel item. Throughout the creation process, I gained valuable knowledge and new skills in debugging, map level editing, and the development of parent and child blueprints, helping me to improve my design abilities.
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